The burners are mono block type with a unique ‘Turbine Air flow’ system. The mono-block system not only gives a compact appearance with increases efficiency and saves a lot of hidden and installation costs. However, we also supply dual block type burners to suit specific applications.
The ‘Turbine Air Flow' system is one of the best feature present in 'Narayan' burners only. It generates a turbine (cyclonic) combustion air characteristic due to which the best mixture of fuel and combustion air is possible. This homogenous mixture results in best combustion giving the maximum combustion efficiency. Thus with our burner with ‘Turbine Air flow’, we ensure you the optimum combustion efficiency in the burner. We also ensure our burners operation on Gas, Light and Heavy oil with the low excess air level in flue gases at any firing stage.
This is unique concept is well proven to advance energy efficiency and reducing emissions and inherent operational noise.
Fan Motor is air-cooled by the main combustion fan ensuring cooler motor winding – giving higher electrical efficiency, considerable electrical cost saving also remarkable reduce noise as fan and motor are under the same body.
Axial airflow ensures a perfect air distribution to the burner head at all levels of firing.
Unique design of ‘Turbine Air flow’ enhance ‘Narayan Burners’ towards emission reduction without energy loss, quality control, help towards ease of installation and maintenance not only that but also provide ideal combustion resulting in higher saving in fuel and help towards green environment.